Get organised using Course Calendar
Courses at ADC use Google Calendar for scheduling. You should have received an email with a link to your course calendar. If you haven't received this link, you can request it from Directing Staff, or it may be found inside your course in ADELE.
ACSC Course Calendar
1. Navigate to the course calendar link provided to you - make sure that you are signed into your G-Suite account or you will not be able to access it or complete the steps below.
ACSC-R Calendar:
2. Click the gear icon button in the top right hand corner, highlighted in yellow. Select the "Settings" option.
3. Under 'Add Calendar' option on the left side, select "From URL" and enter the URL provided to you, or copy and paste the link below:
ACSC Calendar:
DSSC Course Calendar
1. Navigate to the course calendar link provided to you - make sure that you are signed into your GSuite account or you will not be able to access it or complete the steps below.
2. Click the gear icon button in the top right hand corner, highlighted in yellow. Select the "Settings" option.
3. Under 'Add Calendar' option on the left side, select "From URL" and enter the URL provided to you, or copy and paste the link below:
DSSC Program:
ADC ICT + Google Workspace + ADELE Support
Please contact the DLT Support team via or visit our office in the Geddes building 18-01 (opposite to the tea room)
Please contact the DLT Support team via or visit our office in the Geddes building 18-01 (opposite to the tea room)